
Teenage Investment 101

Note: This is a repost of my original from Quora. Hey - fellow teenage investor here. Some of this advice comes not from me, but my father (Holding Power), from the day I started investing: The Lesson of Holding Power: The idea of having holding power is that in times of market recession and/or downturn, … Continue reading Teenage Investment 101


Absurdly Early 2020 Election Predictions (USA/Prez)

Obviously, this is way too early for a 2020 election prediction, as we are only half-way through Trump's first term in the presidency. However, given the data we have now, what do I think will be the result? Stipulations: Trump will face a generic democrat - this is more focused on Trump than on the … Continue reading Absurdly Early 2020 Election Predictions (USA/Prez)